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February 2025
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125 Years of Home Care!5/31/2023 The longest-serving VNA in the state of New Jersey 2023 marks 125 years since VNA’s first nurse, Anna B. Hillock, traveled dirt roads to visit patients in their homes. This incredible milestone celebrates our core values of ensuring the health and well-being of the community we serve across six counties. From nursing to therapy to hospice at home or at our inpatient unit, we have never wavered or let pandemics and natural disasters disrupt our work. We've always been there, providing unparalleled, personalized home health care solutions. We thank everyone who has been part of this journey and look forward to the next 125 years of trusted home health care. Did you know that in 1898, Anna and the care she provided was funded by charitable contributions? Since then, we’ve relied on the support of our community to ensure that the care our patients and caregivers need is provided regardless of their ability to pay. Please consider making a donation in celebration of our anniversary by visiting or calling VNA Foundation at 973-451-4148. The Visiting Nurse Association of Northern New Jersey (VNA) is a leading provider of comprehensive home health care services in Morris, Hunterdon, Sussex, Warren, Somerset, and Passaic Counties in Northern New Jersey. Established in 1898, generations have known that just one call to VNA opens the door to quality, patient-centered home health care solutions that allow patients to remain in the comfort of their homes with dignity, health, and independence. © All content on The Visiting Nurse Association of Northern New Jersey's website, including blog posts, may be reproduced only if attributed to our organization with a link to
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How to Make Caregiving Special5/23/2023 Tips to make caregiving a special time Caring for ill or aged loved ones is stressful. But it can also be a time for making special bonds and lasting memories. Here are some tips, or maybe just reminders: 1. Offer comfort rather than correction Constantly correcting a patient who feels they are a burden, is argumentative, or has dementia is exhausting for you and for your patient. Ask yourself, “Is this something that really requires correction for safety reasons or can I let it go?” Practice gently giving reassurance and moving the subject to something positive. You may find your patient becomes less argumentative, making your job much easier. 2. Listen Your caregiving routine requires a lot of your time and it is common for caregivers to miss the meaning of what their patient is trying to communicate. Too often, arguments and bad feelings between patients and caregivers arise from misunderstandings. For example, a patient may say “Where is my money?” sounding as though they are accusing the caregiver of mishandling their finances. By asking “Why are you concerned about your money?” it may be the patient is actually fearful of having too little to maintain their care. Instead of responding with “Don’t worry about that,” causing bad feelings for both patient and caregiver, now there is an opportunity to discuss the real issue and bond over the appropriate and reassuring response. 3. Find your mutual interests The time you would like to spend on your own interests might include your patient. Find what interests you share with your patient so you can enjoy them together. Reading to each other is a lost art that is truly satisfying and the type of reading materials and topics are endless. Might your patient like to learn your favorite games or try your talent for art and music? Quiet time while people-watching is often especially enjoyable for patients with dementia and for their caregivers. 4. Make memories While caring for your patient, encourage them to share their special memories of people and places. Review family albums with them to prompt them. And be sure to record these conversations – the more you encourage them to share the more you may learn. Prepare to be surprised! 5. Take advantage of caregiver resources Have you read the previous tips and thought “That’s great, but when do I find time for myself”? Ask yourself if you have made it clear to other family members that you need help. Don’t expect others to step up if they don’t know what you need. Be specific (“I need 3 hours on Saturdays to attend to other needs”). And you should also be aware that Visiting Nurse Association of Northern New Jersey offers a variety of caregiver respite care programs, including some grant-funded programs that are free of charge.* Learn more here: Respite Care Resources. *These services are made possible through grants received from the Morris County and Sussex County Boards of County Commissioners and the New Jersey Department of Human Services. Eligibility requirements may apply. Did you know that Visiting Nurse Association of Northern New Jersey (VNA) is the longest-serving VNA in the state of New Jersey? So we know a thing or two about helping seniors “age in place” to avoid hospitalization and nursing homes, and also what services people need to recover from illness and surgery at home. We suggest that you learn more about our home health care services and make a plan to age at home before you have a health emergency. Medicare and supplemental insurance often do not cover all the care our patients and caregivers need. If you would like to help, please visit or call VNA Foundation: 973-451-4148. The Visiting Nurse Association of Northern New Jersey (VNA) is a leading provider of comprehensive home health care services in Morris, Hunterdon, Sussex, Warren, Somerset, and Passaic Counties in Northern New Jersey. Established in 1898, generations have known that just one call to VNA opens the door to quality, patient-centered home health care solutions that allow patients to remain in the comfort of their homes with dignity, health, and independence. © All content on The Visiting Nurse Association of Northern New Jersey's website, including blog posts, may be reproduced only if attributed to our organization with a link to
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Give Yourself a Caregiving Break5/16/2023 Why Caregivers Need a Caregiver Caring for ill loved ones is necessary and can also be rewarding. But nearly 1 in 5 caregivers report a high level of physical strain, according to the "Caregiving in the U.S. 2020" report from AARP Public Policy Institute and the National Alliance for Caregiving (NAC). Too much time without a break can lead to physical and emotional burnout, which is not helpful to the caregiver, the patient, or other family members. The trick is finding the time and resources to take over caregiving responsibilities. Respite Care Can Help Respite care is caregiver support that provides short-term relief in the home by nurses, home health aides, or others, for primary caregivers. There are programs available to provide caregiver relief for just a few hours or for regularly scheduled respite care. Care can be provided at home, in a health care facility, or at an adult day center. Respite Care Resources Visiting Nurse Association of Northern New Jersey offers a variety of respite care programs, including some grant-funded programs that are free of charge.* * These services are made possible through grants received from the Morris County and Sussex County Boards of County Commissioners and the New Jersey Department of Human Services. Eligibility requirements may apply. Did you know that Visiting Nurse Association of Northern New Jersey (VNA) is the longest-serving VNA in the state of New Jersey? So we know a thing or two about helping seniors “age in place” to avoid hospitalization and nursing homes, and also what services people need to recover from illness and surgery at home. We suggest that you learn more about our home health care services and make a plan to age at home before you have a health emergency. Medicare and supplemental insurance often do not cover all the care our patients and caregivers need. If you would like to help, please visit or call VNA Foundation: 973-451-4148. The Visiting Nurse Association of Northern New Jersey (VNA) is a leading provider of comprehensive home health care services in Morris, Hunterdon, Sussex, Warren, Somerset, and Passaic Counties in Northern New Jersey. Established in 1898, generations have known that just one call to VNA opens the door to quality, patient-centered home health care solutions that allow patients to remain in the comfort of their homes with dignity, health, and independence. © All content on The Visiting Nurse Association of Northern New Jersey's website, including blog posts, may be reproduced only if attributed to our organization with a link to
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What You Don’t Know About Mother’s Day5/11/2023 A Mother’s Day For Peace West Virginia resident Anna Jarvis first established Mother’s Day in 1907 to carry on the legacy of her own mother, Anne Jarvis, who advocated for a “Mother’s Day For Peace” during and after the Civil War. As Mother’s Day thrived and became commercialized with cards, flowers, chocolates, and other gifts, Jarvis suggested that mothers would better appreciate handwritten letters expressing love and gratitude. Sentiments last forever in the heart and mind Flowers and chocolates only last a short time, but mothers of all ages cherish the words of appreciation few of us express often enough, if ever. Time and again, our nurses and home care aides hear family members say, “I wish I had more time, I never told her how much I appreciated her.” Every day of home care is Mother’s Day Visiting Nurse Association of Northern New Jersey (VNA) has been helping families care for their mothers since 1898, so we know that Anna was right – nothing means more to your mother than your time and heartfelt acknowledgment of her love and selflessness. This Mother’s Day, simply make time for Mom and really express how much she means to you, and why. Nothing is more valuable to a mother than that. Visiting Nurse Association of Northern New Jersey (VNA) is the longest-serving VNA in the state of New Jersey so we know a thing or two about helping Moms “age in place” to avoid hospitalization and nursing homes, and also what services people need to recover from illness and surgery at home. We suggest that you learn more about our home health care services and make a plan to age at home before you have a health emergency. Medicare and supplemental insurance often do not cover all the care our patients and caregivers need. If you would like to help, please visit or call VNA Foundation: 973-451-4148. The Visiting Nurse Association of Northern New Jersey (VNA) is a leading provider of comprehensive home health care services in Morris, Hunterdon, Sussex, Warren, Somerset, and Passaic Counties in Northern New Jersey. Established in 1898, generations have known that just one call to VNA opens the door to quality, patient-centered home health care solutions that allow patients to remain in the comfort of their homes with dignity, health, and independence. © All content on The Visiting Nurse Association of Northern New Jersey's website, including blog posts, may be reproduced only if attributed to our organization with a link to
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Love For The Nurses In Our Lives!5/9/2023 May 6 - 12 is Love Our Nurses Week If you know a nurse (and most of us do) you know nobody works harder, longer, or is more likely to be selfless. The purpose of National Nurses Week is to recognize their tireless and often thankless work. Nurses Are Patient People Most nurses work 12-hour shifts and even multiple shifts with few breaks. And since nursing is required around the clock, many nurses work the holidays we take for granted. In addition to the extensive education and training needed, the work is physically and emotionally demanding. Spread Some Love This week, please make a special effort to support the nurses you know. A card, a kind word, or a special act of kindness to make them smile will let them know they are appreciated. Help Make a Difference for Nurses Did you know that The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has cut funding for home health care by almost 4% and intends to cut it further? This lack of funding comes at a time when home care and hospice nursing is proven to be the better alternative to institutionalized care. Please be aware and actively support nurses by helping to lobby your state and federal government representatives for better funding of home health initiatives. Did you know that Visiting Nurse Association of Northern New Jersey (VNA) is the longest-serving VNA in the state of New Jersey? So we know a thing or two about helping seniors “age in place” to avoid hospitalization and nursing homes, and also what services people need to recover from illness and surgery at home. We suggest that you learn more about our home health care services and make a plan to age at home before you have a health emergency. Medicare and supplemental insurance often do not cover all the care our patients and caregivers need. If you would like to help, please visit or call VNA Foundation: 973-451-4148. The Visiting Nurse Association of Northern New Jersey (VNA) is a leading provider of comprehensive home health care services in Morris, Hunterdon, Sussex, Warren, Somerset, and Passaic Counties in Northern New Jersey. Established in 1898, generations have known that just one call to VNA opens the door to quality, patient-centered home health care solutions that allow patients to remain in the comfort of their homes with dignity, health, and independence. © All content on The Visiting Nurse Association of Northern New Jersey's website, including blog posts, may be reproduced only if attributed to our organization with a link to
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It might be time for a bone density test Too often, osteoporosis only becomes obvious due to severe pain or a broken bone. Perhaps that’s why osteoporosis is often called a “silent disease”. But there are some signs that indicate it’s time to see your physician for a bone density test, including losing height, chronic back and neck pain, stooped posture, brittle nails, dental issues including bone loss, loss of grip strength, and balance issues. Know your risks There is some good news – by recognizing your risk for osteoporosis you can delay or manage the effects of the disease.
Did you know that Visiting Nurse Association of Northern New Jersey (VNA) is the longest-serving VNA in the state of New Jersey? So we know a thing or two about helping seniors “age in place” to avoid hospitalization and nursing homes, and also what services people need to recover from illness and surgery at home. We suggest that you learn more about our home health care services and make a plan to age at home before you have a health emergency. Medicare and supplemental insurance often do not cover all the care our patients and caregivers need. If you would like to help, please visit or call VNA Foundation: 973-451-4148. The Visiting Nurse Association of Northern New Jersey (VNA) is a leading provider of comprehensive home health care services in Morris, Hunterdon, Sussex, Warren, Somerset, and Passaic Counties in Northern New Jersey. Established in 1898, generations have known that just one call to VNA opens the door to quality, patient-centered home health care solutions that allow patients to remain in the comfort of their homes with dignity, health, and independence. © All content on The Visiting Nurse Association of Northern New Jersey's website, including blog posts, may be reproduced only if attributed to our organization with a link to |